


电话:+8610 64070561 / 64070562
传真:+8610 64070564
地址:北京市东城区东四北大街107号天海商务大厦A座606室, 邮编 100007


CMM-I as China Representative for German Films

Since April 2007 CMM-I is the official China Representative for German Films.

The services provided by CMM-I to German Films and its member companies range from promoting German Films in China, jointly attending Chinese TV and Film events and festivals as well as consulting services.

The cooperation is aimed at enabling a comprehensive flow of information on the Chinese film industry. At the same time German Films and CMM-I are working to increase the awareness and distribution of German Films into the Chinese market as well as intensify networking business opportunities between the German and Chinese film industry.

QUICK FACTS on services provided German Films and its member companies

- Monthly China Film Monitor e-newsletter

- Range of China Film Industry Facts Sheets, including facts, general analysis and essays on the important issues relevant when dealing with the Chinese film market
    √  China film market overview
    √  Foreign film import regulations
    √  German-Chinese co production
    √  and many more.

- General information services on individual requests

For more information, please contact:
Ms. Anke Redl, Managing Director, Tel.: +86-10-64 07 05 61
Ms. Tori You, Project Manager, Tel.: +86-10-64 07 05 61