The Fair, a Symbol of Contradictions

TV events, 1999 China TV Fair, domestic & foreign exhibitors

BEIJING --- The China TV Program Trade Fair is the ultimate example of the contradictions inherent to Chinese television today. One need look no further than to the dispute about whether the event is a domestic or international affair, which continues to rage even as some foreign exhibitors prepare their stands and others complain they were not invited at all. 

Not that this is anything new. It's been the same ever since the event was started four years ago. Of course, the return of Hongkong complicated things a little bit, since there are plenty of foreign companies registered in Hongkong who became eligible to participate in a "national" event by default. The result is that the foreign organisations attending the fair are mainly Asian with a hotch-potch of European, US and other companies who qualify by dint of a long track record in China. 

For domestic media organisations, however, reasons to join are quite different. Organised directly by SARFT, the China TV Program Trade Fair is the only event which they are obliged to attend by government order. As every year, the result is  that huge delegations from provinces and municipalities spend money they can ill afford, making presentations of programs and equipment that nobody wants. 

However, this year does promise to be a bit different as a result of the extra efforts being made for the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. How will it be different? Well, there will be a smaller selection of European, US and other regional representation than usual (also due  to the Embassy bombing and satellite crackdown) and a larger selection of provincial delegations celebrating their achievements in duplicating services on cable, satellite and terrestrial systems and showcasing their abilities to choose short term answers to long term problems. 

But just like the confusion at Chinese traffic junctions when vehicles of all sizes and speeds becomen tangled together, the end result of the Fair will be that everyone ends up continuing on their chosen ways with just a little bit of time wasted and a couple of small collisions.